Wednesday, 24 September 2008

The Changing New Face of Politics: The Expert Vs the Charismatic Novice

As Labour was struggling to maintain its vision of fairness in Britain at the Labour Party Conference last Monday, Its rather “unpopular” PM Gordon Brown reached out to the crowds by refraining from being too “serious” and getting more up close and personal by engaging anecdotes about his childhood, his wife and children.

But the crack in the Labour Party from within was felt throughout the conference speeches. David Miliband (which is the charismatic clonned version of Tony Blair) and who was - according to some commentators - trying to acclaim Gordon Brown as Blair’s successor rather than challenging for the leadership himself because Labour is determined to close ranks and rout the Tories again. But the opposite interpretation is surely just as possible. Milliband and Co may have calculated that there’s no point in risking their prospects by trying to oust Brown now, when it seems likelier by the day that Cameron’s resurgent Tories will do the job for them at the next election, which explains Ruth Kelly’s stepping down from her cabinet job.

And While David Miliband is considered a novice by Labour themselves, a US foreign policy loyal servant by British people - he might really be Labour’s wild card –after all he’s young, charismatic and if we are acknowledging how the face of politics is changing, and how on the other side of the pond Obama is promoting the “young and charismatic” brand of politics - He is without a doubt their last hope, if Gordon failed to deliver that is – question is, are British people willing to accept yet another 4 or 5 years of Blairite Amercanized policy?! Remains to be decided!

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