Monday 21 January 2008

Yob Culture in Britain: The Facts

One wonders; is it the social meltdown of the privileged British society, or is it just the new digital age phenomena, explicit amongst the young and most susceptible. Either way it is agonizing Britain today, and producing a rallying cry for politicians in the law and order debate.


-Binge drinking
-Drug use
-Smoking fags and Joints
-Acting against intelligence and responsible behavior
-Obsession with designer clothes and football gear as publicized by tabloids and media
-Bullying and mischief at school
-Petty crime
-Organized crime
-Racism and xenophobia


-Pub Culture ( which ranks as the top worst in Europe, and means excessive use of alcohol, getting drunk at least once a week, consumption of junk food and socializing with less intellectual and more violent groups of society)

-Football (which is made worse by pub culture and bad drinking habits, hence the British football fans and holidaymakers are bemoaned as the most drunken and most unruly of all foreign travelers)

-Peer pressure (which explains why many young are taken by drugs and fashion, just to please their pals and to be deemed hip and cool)

-Media and tabloids (considered to be the main factors behind disturbing the minds of teenage boys and girls, and confusing their judgment of right and wrong)

Effects on Society

A Troubled ill-society, where the value of things is lost. Where people are living in constant fear of what worse could happen next. Where no young, old, man or woman is safe in the streets anymore. Where a big gap has formed between a generation that has worked hard, expected less and gave more, and a new generation of the total opposite. This new generation, is reshaping Britain’s society today, where years of freedom and elite judicial systems have failed, and produced irrepressible anti-social behavior everywhere.

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