Monday 5 November 2007

Weather and Birds!

I like the tranquility of the Scottish landscape…but you need to pick the right weather to happily enjoy it- which is really rare!! As Sir David Frost once said: “There are two seasons in Britain; winter… and July!!” which is absolutely true!! Oh, bless him, he must have said that before moving to Al-Jazeerah to warm-up his soul and his wallet!! Talk about good old Englishmen and “generous” Qataris!!

While the birds are really beautiful in this country, the secret I think is good diet! I bet that thousands and thousands of loaves of bread are thrown to these birds each year. Someone once suggested- a governmental official actually, that they might as well use dead bodies (God forbid) to feed the birdies! Since they have got too many birds in here! Well, Britain is an island (which is shrinking according to global warming advocates, but that’s another story!) and since land values hit roof top here, people struggle to find empty lots to bury their loved ones, and it costs as little as ₤1000, that’s if you were lucky enough to get buried at all! That’s why many dead people get cremated simply because it’s cheaper! Of course, this thought is morally and religiously absurd, and can send shivers down the spine of any human being. But that’s just how things work in british life! It always starts as an idea, a crazy one, possibly, may be a newspaper survey, conducted by a certain think-tank, then it is passed on as a law by which all must abide! Well, sometimes you blow a big sigh of relief and just thank God for Jordan!!

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